7 research outputs found

    Characterization and Comparison of DDoS Attack Tools and Traffic Generators -A Review

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    Abstract Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack imposes a severe threat to the extensively used Internet based services like e-commerce, e-banking, transportation, medicine, education etc. Hackers compromises the vulnerable systems for launching DDoS attacks in order to degrade or sometimes completely disrupt such services. In recent years, DDoS attacks have been increased in frequency, sophistication and strength. Though a no. of solutions have been proposed in literature to combat against DDoS attacks but still defending from a DDoS attack is a challenging issue. Hackers are also continuously upgrading their skills to launch diversified attacks and are developing new sophisticated attack tools and traffic generators to circumvent these countermeasures. The purpose of this paper is to characterize and compare the popular DDoS attack tools and traffic generators used by the attackers in recent times. The technical details provided would surely help the researchers to handpick the appropriate DDoS attack tool and traffic generator for designing their real experiments so that their proposed DDoS defense methods could be validated in a better way

    Distributed Denial of Service Attacks and Defense Mechanisms: Current Landscape and Future Directions

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    Societal dependence on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) over the past two decades has brought with it an increased vulnerability to a large variety of cyber-attacks. One such attack is a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack which harnesses the power of a larger number of compromised and geographically distributed computers and other networked machines to attack information-providing services, often resulting in significant downtime and thereby causing a denial-of-service to legitimate clients. The size, frequency, and sophistication of such attacks have exponentially risen over the past decade. In order to develop a better understanding of these attacks and defense system against this ever-growing threat, it is essential to understand their modus operandi, latest trends and other most widely-used tactics. Consequently, the study of DDoS attacks and techniques to accurately and reliably detect and mitigate their impact is an important area of research. This chapter largely focuses on the current landscape of DDoS attack detection and defense mechanisms and provides detailed information about the latest modus operandi of various network and application layer DDoS attacks, and presents an extended taxonomy to accommodate the novel attack types. In addition, it provides directions for future research in DDoS attack detection and mitigation

    Security and Resilience of Cyber Physical Systems

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    In this era of 5G digital communication, the implementation of industry 4.0 is the need of the hour. The main aim of this industrial revolution is to completely automate the industry for better productivity, correct decision making and increased efficiency. All the concepts of industry 4.0 can only be implemented with the help of Cyber Physical System aka CPS. This is a smart system in which complete mechanism is monitored and controlled by computer-based algorithms. Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability are the three major concern for providing the add on security to any organization or a system. It has become a biggest challenge among the security professionals to secure these cyber physical systems. Hackers and bad guys are planning various kinds of attacks on daily basis on these systems. This book addresses the various security and privacy issues involved in the cyber physical system. There is need to explore the interdisciplinary analysis to ensure the resilience of these systems including different types of cyber threats to these systems. The book highlights the importance of security in preventing, detecting, characterizing and mitigating different types of cyber threats on CPS. The book offers a simple to understand various organized chapters related to the CPS and their security for graduate students, faculty, research scholars and industry professionals